Friday, October 16, 2009

Japanese Provide New Low in Society's Death Spiral?

Attached is a snippet of a video from a new Japanese "game show." A lot of the talk on the web and elsewhere is that the video is funny as hell. Check it out:

I'm sorry, but if putting people in realistic, traumatic episodes is entertainment, we're sunk as a society. This is sick, sick, sick.

Seriously, what's next? No doubt filming such light-hearted pranks like these:

- Fake plane crash for terrified passengers
- Fake military officers tell a mother her son has been killed in action
- Fake doctor provides diagnosis of terminal cancer
- Fake child's suicide for an unsuspecting parent

Where does it end?

Am I overreacting to this? Post up a comment and let me know.

1 comment:

Please feel free to include any thoughts you may have. Know, however, that kiddos might be reading this, so please keep the adult language to yourself. I know, for me to ask that language is clean is a stretch...
