Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Prescription to 2010 Depression

After a crappy 2009, 2010 isn't starting any better. The economy remains in shambles. Our elected officials are absolutely clueless, regardless of their affiliation. We narrowly miss hundreds of our citizens being killed in a terrorist plot. It is depressingly cold. Hunting season is over. The Minnesota Wild stink. Christmas bills are coming due.

So what?

Ah, Rodney. I feel better already.

1 comment:

  1. I am stirred nearly to speechlessness...oh wait, that's your line. I asked for "newness" this year and already have needed to get a new car starter, new car battery, new coffee pot and new microwave. Think positive, and be careful what you wish for in 2010!


Please feel free to include any thoughts you may have. Know, however, that kiddos might be reading this, so please keep the adult language to yourself. I know, for me to ask that language is clean is a stretch...