Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Leech Lake "Opener" Report - 2010

The annual "week after the fishing opener, opener" was completed for 2010. It seems like every year has at least one very memorable story, and this year was no different. We went from having no place to stay (literally) and ended up just about getting killed (again, literally). In between we caught fish, ate too much, played some golf, and laughed more than folks would think wise.

Most of the walleyes that we caught were above the slot, with JT putting on the best clinic, but with JP perhaps having the biggest fish that shook off right at the boat.

We did boat a couple of slot fish late, but had a fun time hunting the big ones. We did end up with more than enough for a fish fry, and while it only consisted of expertly filleted northern and perch, it still tasted incredible. Here's JT "holding up" our catch.

Look for our horror story tomorrow.

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