Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cabela's 50th Anniversary Limited Edition Catalog

Cabela's recently mailed me this behemoth.  It is a 1,300 page, 3 pound+, hardcover monster.  Here's a shot next to some things which provide better context:

I've been receiving these types of catalogs from Cabela's annually now for nearly 10 years, and they continue to amaze me.  As a old catalog marketer, I know what it costs to produce and mail this monster, and what is needed in terms of response to make the P&L work.  I simply cannot believe this is profitable, but given that they've been producing it for so long, it has to be paying some kind of dividends.  

It continues to be an advertising marvel to me.


  1. I doubt they can make the P&L work on a single mailing. But as branding it is pretty spectacular. You spread the advertising cost over time, and it probably pays for itself.


Please feel free to include any thoughts you may have. Know, however, that kiddos might be reading this, so please keep the adult language to yourself. I know, for me to ask that language is clean is a stretch...