Thursday, November 3, 2011

StarTribune for iPad - The Relationship Continues

The StarTribune has launched a paid app for iPad for those accessing their content via that device.  Among the printed content sites optimized for the platform, it is one of the nicest I've seen.  The pictures are fantastic, the navigation completely optimized for the technology, and the content rich. 

Unfortunately, they want $.99 per week to access this. 

Being a web industry guy, I like my content free, and considering I can access their information on their core website just fine without the payment, I hesitated.  However, I also know what the costs are associated with creating content specifically for such a platform, and how their content is presented in the user interface is really, really nice. 

So what does a guy do? 

It doesn't help that I've battled the Strib's editorial bias for years, and have a half dozen published letters to the editor under my belt (with about a dozen more the cowards wouldn't run).  However, despite my distain for their political slant, I've always loved the paper. 

My first job ever was carrying the Minneapolis Tribune when I was in 5th grade.  In those days it was the Tribune as the Star was the evening paper for Minneapolis.  An evening paper!  Good golly, I'm old. 

The route was a great gig for a kid with a morning person's make-up and the desire for some pocket money, and I truly enjoyed it.  By the time I had finished I had the route that covered downtown Mound, Minnesota which afforded me lots of shop door drops.  That meant no getting off my bike to deliver the paper between the customers' screen door and front door, which increased my speed dramatically.  I could do my 50+ paper route in under 45 minutes, and was the envy of the other paper carriers in the area. 

Despite getting up at 4:00AM every weekday for nearly 5 years, I enjoyed it.  I also enjoyed the paper itself; reading the headlines at the drop-off station, and sometimes reading the whole thing at the local bakery at 5 AM over a hot chocolate and still-warm doughnut.  The paper made me a fan of current events, or at least helped one predisposed to liking them get access to the appropriate information. 

I loved the paper.  I guess I still do.  So I did what I fully expected I'd do, and I bought the online subscription. 

My nearly 40 year history with the StarTribune continues.

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