Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Blitz #1 Pet Book on Lulu.com

Though some great support of family and friends, It's, It's a Dog Named Blitz is currently the #1 book in the Pets category on Lulu.com.

While it clearly is not the New York Times Best Seller List, it is still something.


  1. Hey YDP. Just wanted you to know that I read your book in two nights and absolutely loved it. I had to read the last 2 chapters with a box of kleenex and warned my wife to do the same. You have truly helped me realize that sometimes we take the things in life that we love for granted. The passion and love you show for your dog and family mimic the way I try to approach every day. On a personal level, I lost my father to pancreatic cancer earlier this year. A perfectly healthy,retired 73 year old man who recently retired, was asymptomatic, went to the doctor, and found out he had 4-5 weeks to live. It was heartbreaking for my family and I. After reading "Blitz" and noting that the proceeds go towards Alzheimers research, it has motivated me to begin donating yearly to Pancretic cancer research. Thanks for the great read, and best of luck in the future. Also wanted you to know that after reading, I hugged my Lab a little tighter for a little bit longer, and have done so everday since. I really need to cherish the time I have with him. Thanks again. Be well.

  2. Scott, thanks much for the kind words. I'm sorry to hear about your father - cancer is terrible, and it seems that the pancreatic version is especially vile. It is not fair for someone to have worked hard all their life, retire, and then find out their impending need to get their affairs in order. I hope you and your family were able to get in some good memories in the short time you were allotted. Thanks again for the comments, and give that lab a hug from me as well.


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