Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Barbie Gets Woke for Christmas

Over the past two months, Babie is rapidly transforming.  Long blamed for instilling false narratives about women, the pendulum has now swung completely in the opposite direction.  Consider this recent Instagram post:

Draw your own conclusions, but for now, it looks like Barbie's sexuality just got a little ambiguous.  How woke!

Now consider the latest stunt, the hajib Barbie:

This one was launched with a public relations campaign that assured the message of its release was everywhere, because, well, Muslim.  What wasn't clear was if the hajib could be removed (especially in front of a man) and if the doll came with a male counterpart so that it could go out in public.

This type of product release is what Mattel thinks will save its financial performance, which looks like this:

I guess when you can't sell toys, hopefully, you can still make a living by selling indoctrination.  

Creepy and sick.

Here's wishing you get what you want for Christmas, and it doesn't come anchored to some political meme.


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