Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Kavanaugh Accusation Nothing But a Hit Job

Sorry, but the 23rd hour accusation that Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape someone 35 years ago when he was 17 is nothing but a delay tactic from Democrats.  Consider:

  • Democrat leadership had this "accusation" for months, yet sat on it until the last hour
  • The accuser offers no corroborating evidence
  • She claims a witness to the event, who, like Kavanaugh, states emphatically that the situation never occurred
  • The accuser told nobody of this event until a couple of years ago when Kavanaugh was being considered for SCOTUS
Save me the tripe about her passing a lie detector test.  First off, she's a psychology professor.  Second, in my Psych 101 class we actually covered how to beat a lie detector test.

Save me as well the tripe about her risking all.  Please.  Her book deal, HBO special, and Go Fund Me page will make her a millionaire.  She's winning the lottery.

This is politics at its absolute worst.

And the worst part?  Women that have credible stories of abuse at the hands of men - stories from the current decade and involve 911 calls for example - they take a credibility hit. 

Or not.  Nobody on the Dem side was going to believe anyone that accused Keith Ellison of anything, right? 

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