Perhaps it is, because this is the start of legal polygamy in the United States.
Bull, you say? Consider the following:
- LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender - all considered normal sexual constructs in human physiology
- Bisexuality, at its definition, means an attraction to at least two different people (one male, and one female)
- Since bisexuals can't choose who they love, and since they love at least two people, who are we to judge their desire to manifest that love via traditional marriage?
One can't refute the points made above. You just can't, hence polygamy is coming, and none of us should feel shocked when it does.
Personal aside - I believe gay people are born that way, and that they deserve the protections afforded to folks that are married. Period. However, I also believe that there are some nefarious folks in our society that want to see our institutions torn down, and push for changes solely for the chaos it causes. It is that latter part, I believe, that will continue to push the frontier of the definition of "marriage" until such a time in which it no longer has a constructive definition.
I may be wrong, but I don't think so.